Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still in America

So, in a week, I'll be in London.

Another country.  Another time zone. Another continent.

Woah.  Make that a double woah.

I have dreamed of getting away from this tiny town in Indiana since I realized there was more to life than Monticello.  Instead of reading about it or seeing it in pictures, I will be able to say "I've been there" or "Oh, that's where I did this."  Instead of envying everybody's adventures and travels, I can go out and have my own.

I already have scheduled trips to Ireland, Scotland and Belgium.  There are so many other countries I want to go to and I doubt a semester will be enough.  France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Austria, Portugal, etc.  So basically, wherever I can go until they force me back to America.

But here, my trusty readers, you can read about my adventures abroad.  Hopefully, there will be many and very entertaining to retell to others.  Pictures shall be aplenty cause I got a new camera and it needs to be used.  So sit back and enjoy the reading about my life as much as I enjoy living it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy!!! :D
    I'm going to do the same thing except my adventures won't be nearly as amazing. (I'm so jealous)
