Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm still amazed at short of time I've been here.  It seriously feels like it's been a week instead of 3 days.

They have been filled with orientation, adventures on the tube/bus, walking around and exploring.  And taking the stereotypical, yet awesome, photo with a telephone booth.

It's so different to walk down the street and hear various dialects and languages being spoken.  I feel like my neck hasn't stopped swiveling since I got here.

A few exciting things have happened.  I finalized my classes so I'm taking 4 classes on Wednesday and Thursday.  Which leaves Monday and Tuesday open for the internship I'm interviewing for and then the weekend to travel or explore other sections of London.  I'm excited for most of my classes which is fortunate.  One is a video production class with 4 students.  4!  My last production class was 12 and I thought that was small.  The professor loves editing as well, so I can't wait to soak up information from her and see her style of work.

My internship sounds even more cool now that I'm here.  Apparently, Tigerlily Productions, is in the "trendy" area of London.  It's a very media and marketing orientated neighborhood.  The video production professor approved highly of their work so that is good to know.  I'm so anxious about my interview and it's not for another 11 days.  I want to know now and get started.  Plus, then I can schedule trips out of London without worry.

Also, we went to the Globe theater today.

While, it's not the Globe from Shakespeare's day since that burned to the ground, it is still a great reproduction.  We saw Merry Wives of Windsor which was a good comedy.  The actors made it really come to life and distracted from the mind numbing pain coming from my feet and back as I stood there for 2 hours.

The only picture I could get of the actors before being yelled at

Tomorrow is the trip around London so there will be many, many pictures taken.   Sunday is the trip to Windsor castle and Monday is a meet and greet day with local students.  Fun times ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Ha there's pretty much NO way I could stand there for 2 hours!
