Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So since the epic post, I've been to Hyde Park, an Ice Bar, and a pub to watch a football game.

Hyde Park is gorgeous and I wish our good days of weather weren't so limited.  I'd love to explore them more and not be in the rain, which will be the case starting soon.  I need to get to Kensington Gardens and find the Peter Pan statue cause who doesn't love Peter Pan?

(Rose Garden)

(Fisherman's Pond....where you can't fish)

(Awesome Tree!)

Ice Bar was literally what the title is.  A bar made out of ice.  Totally cool....get it?  Enough of bad jokes, it was definitely an experience.  The glasses were ice, the bars, the decorations, everything!  You only get 40 minutes in there cause it's at -5 degrees Celsius.  Brrrr.  But the lovely parkas and mittens provided made it at a tolerable temperature.  Would I do it again?  No...cause I'm a cold wuss and once is enough.

(Rachel and I in the awesome parkas.)

Last night was an Arsenal game and Micah is a huge Arsenal fan.  So Kori, Alec and I joined him in going to a pub to watch the game.  I honestly couldn't see the screen and was okay with that.  It was nice just going out and have a pint with friends.  I believe I'll miss the pub atmosphere in the States when I get back.

Anyway, today was my interview.  I was more nervous about finding this place than the interview because nobody had been turned down yet.  Alice, our advisor, gave me tube directions and it didn't seem that bad. But, it's still nerve wrecking taking a new tube line.

Yeah....I'm glad I have a good sense of direction.  Anyway, I get off at the proper station (with no mishaps :) ) and walk out into a ....lack of better word....ghetto part of town.  I was glad it was sunny and a few people were around.  It's a 180 from the posh neighborhood of Chelsea where the residence hall is located.  I start wandering down what I hope is the proper street.  Cause apparently Londoners don't think to label streets as incessantly as Americans.  Seriously, didn't see one relevant street sign while walking down what turned out to be the proper road.

I found the place and looked like a fool to the desk girls.  It's cool.  I was invited up and we chit chatted for a while.  I'll pretty much be doing something I loathe for post production for a lot of the time, but they have a LOT of cool projects up and coming.  Current big one is about Bar and Bat Mitzvahs for the BBC.  It'll be on air in October.  I hope I get to work Monday and Tuesday, but another intern can only work those days as well.  But, she is from London, and I personally believe it's more important for me to get Friday off.  But, I'm selfish like that.

My interview was over before I was scheduled to be there (I got there a little early....) so I decided to brave the tube again and make it to the IES centre (where my classes are held).  I made it on the proper trains again and got to class with an hour left.  Not going to lie, I'm very impressed with my tube direction skills since this is my first experience with public transportation.

Architecture class was today and I will probably take LOADS of pictures for that class since we wander around London looking at buildings.  Fun times right there.  Today was all fun and games except for the epically depressing movie in the Museum of London about the Blitz.  Drew and I walked out of the museum all sad faced because of it.  Side note: Majority of museums in London are free to the public.  So if you visit, take advantage of it.


That's part of the original wall that surrounded London.  Built in the like 1200s and was about a mile on each side to protect London from invaders.  Totally cool that they've kept it up.  And my favorite feature of the proper city of London is:

DRAGONS!!!  They protect the city now.  I want a souvenir one to protect my room.

On a completely random note, I forgot to mention the River Thames Festival that we went to.  It was filled with little shops, but we got distracted by the swing dancing floor.  And then there were fireworks to watch.  In my personal opinion, best fireworks I've ever seen.  Here's a picture of the awesome group of people that went.


This weekend will be spent in London.  Brussels trip is postponed to a later date to save money.  But next weekend is Dublin!  Get pumped and creep on my facebook albums since I take a lot of photos apparently.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Epic Blog Post

Life has gotten busier now.  And I'm loving every minute of it.  Let me try (key word: try) to recap what has happened since the last post.

So a week ago, we went to visit Windsor Castle.  It's located right outside London and is the preferred residence of the Queen.  And I really can't blame her.  Eton is right next door and has a fantastic boys college, aka high school to americans.  They wore the most abfab (absolutely fabulous) uniforms that we all had to get pictures of.  It was a cute little village too.

Windsor is almost 1000 years old (give it about 50 more years) and is stunning.  We only got to see the State rooms and that was just a tiny, tiny portion of it.  


I'm sure the Queen's private residence is even more amazing cause they are her private chambers.  The real question of the day though was "Does the Queen ever just look around and go 'Damn I'm loaded?!'"  We also believe her to be dancing to her iPod, but that's just an opinion.  haha


Then, my favorite picture of that day:


Monday -

We went out on Monday night to meet some local students.  Kind of fail on meeting locals, but we got to know each other in the group better.  So far, everybody gets along which is a great thing.  Cause we take classes together and these are not huge lecture hall classes.  But more on that later.

Anyway, we were making an epic adventure to get home.  Some of the guys we were walking with wanted McDonalds so we stopped at the Leicester Square McDonalds.  I got some medium fries off the 99 pence menu.  Possibly better than the fries from home??  Anyway, my favorite quote from that point was Matt going "This is the best ketchup eveerrrrrrr."

After we ate, we had to find a bus stop that a bus going to our dorm went.  Not an easy task.  We wandered the wrong way, slowly getting more annoyed and cold.  Finally, we found the bus stop and saw that we had to wait 20 minutes until it arrived.  So we did what any sane group of people would do....we played charades.  Theme was movies.  It was great!  We were having a blast just acting like complete fools.  So much fun, that locals were joining in!!  These two british guys were getting SO into the game.  They would get a money and run around the bus stop area like they just scored a football (soccer) goal.  Another girl was silent until she got the movie "Good Burger" correct.  Then she walked away calmly to get on her bus.  My best guessing came through when Matt did Breaking Away.  2 words and "bicycling" motion was all I needed.  It was a great night that can probably and should never be duplicated.

Tuesday was my day of rest before classes.  Others finally started classes while I got to lay around a little.  I explored Kings Road, which runs right outside our dorm, and got myself a notebook for classes.  It really is a great area.  The pubs are fantastic.  Trafalgar has amazing fish and chips.  But get this....the fish aren't all deskinned!!!  Ewwwwwww.  So I had to like peel the skin off the bottom of the fish, but it was still good.  Definitely recommend trying it if you ever visit.

Wednesday I finally started classes.  It took until September 15 for me to go to a fall semester class.  Totally epic in my books.  I had my 19th century British Woman's Literature, Architecture, and Internship seminar classes that day.  Literature should be interesting cause I haven't read novels for a class since freshman year of college.  It's also forcing me to read novels I probably wouldn't have which can be good or bad.  We'll find out.  But it's a novel a week which is definitely a lot to me with the rest of this reading assigned.  Architecture is going to be fun.  It's not all sightseeing, but there's definitely that element to it.  We go around to various places around London for class.  Definitely glad I signed up cause it will get me out into London.  Internship Seminar is required for my internship and honestly, pointless.  He was getting everybody pumped up for their internships, but he had never heard of mine.  Whatever, cause the video professor had and she thought they were an excellent company.  Great place to learn so I am very excited.

Thursday I had my final 2 classes.  The first of the day was Youth Culture.  I am REALLY excited about this class.  It's right up my alley for classes I enjoy.  The professor came in really intense and kind of scared us at first, but he softened up a little.  He stressed it was a serious class, but we will still have fun.  And of course, we will!  We listened to a Beatle's song (Day in the Life) and watched part of Ali G in the first class.  He introduced us to this cool, upcoming artist in London called Plan B.  Check him out on Youtube.  Particularly "She Says."  I love the mix of 60's soul and Cockney rap!  It's the same guy too... you won't believe it until you see/hear it.  Then was my video production class.  I should be excited for this class, but it's another beginners course.  They are 3 of us.....3.  That's soooo small to me and two of us are on the same level (Brandy and I) and then Alex is new to production.  And she is from Spain so she has a language barrier as well.  So we have to take it slow for Alex which is maddeningly boring for Brandy and I.  It could be fun and I'll have more for my Vimeo site.  Finally.

The class sizes at IES are soooo different from IU.  The biggest class I have is probably 20, tops.  Maybe only 15.  So take a discussion class size and make that your lecture class.  It's weird, but I like it.  You get to talk and know people better.  I'm decently still excited for classes, but they have SO much reading.  That you have to do cause if you don't it is VERY obvious with classes that small.

Thursday night we went out to a place called O'Neills.  We had a great time just chilling downstairs until we started exploring upwards and discovered a live, cover band.  Great cover band, btw.  I think they were called the Australians, but who knows, they could have just been Australian.  We all had a great time, especially Steve.

Friday was another free day cause none of us have classes.  We had our final orientation meeting (It was about traveling, woo woo).  Then a group of us headed over to Camden Town for the day.  We split up cause groups that large are awkward.  Kori, Taylor and myself just wandered from stall to stall in this giant market place.  It had every souvenir, cute dress/coat, shoes, jackets, and posters that you could want.  We saw quite a few things we wanted, but we decided to head back later.  Especially for this little wall decorations that I want.

Saturday we went to Buckingham Palace.  


Quite impressive as well, but I think I prefer Windsor.  Buckingham was, of course, impressive and a cool place to check out.  It's only open in the summer when the Queen travels to Scotland to stay there.  There were no pictures allowed inside which is upsetting cause everything was beautiful.  We saw thrones, ball rooms, portraits of various royal people. The portrait gallery was cool until we actually looked at the paintings.  Half were of pub fights (awesome) and the other half included weirder aspects like snakes and beheaded people.  Kind of strange.  Kori and I had fun nevertheless as we wandered through and even sat down in the ballroom.  Cause, if you can sit down in an official ballroom, you sit down in an official ballroom.  We'll have to go back for changing of the guard someday.


And that is basically my life.  I'm getting use to riding the tube and busses everywhere.  I paid about 70 pounds to go anywhere I want in zone 1 or 2 in London.  And those are HUGE zones.  We haven't left them yet, so I think I'm good.  

I hope to update more often.  Shout out to Andie for making me realize I have been slacking.  I hope I haven't forgotten anything from this past week.  I'll try to update more often.  Hopefully, I'll get a travel post soon!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm still amazed at short of time I've been here.  It seriously feels like it's been a week instead of 3 days.

They have been filled with orientation, adventures on the tube/bus, walking around and exploring.  And taking the stereotypical, yet awesome, photo with a telephone booth.

It's so different to walk down the street and hear various dialects and languages being spoken.  I feel like my neck hasn't stopped swiveling since I got here.

A few exciting things have happened.  I finalized my classes so I'm taking 4 classes on Wednesday and Thursday.  Which leaves Monday and Tuesday open for the internship I'm interviewing for and then the weekend to travel or explore other sections of London.  I'm excited for most of my classes which is fortunate.  One is a video production class with 4 students.  4!  My last production class was 12 and I thought that was small.  The professor loves editing as well, so I can't wait to soak up information from her and see her style of work.

My internship sounds even more cool now that I'm here.  Apparently, Tigerlily Productions, is in the "trendy" area of London.  It's a very media and marketing orientated neighborhood.  The video production professor approved highly of their work so that is good to know.  I'm so anxious about my interview and it's not for another 11 days.  I want to know now and get started.  Plus, then I can schedule trips out of London without worry.

Also, we went to the Globe theater today.

While, it's not the Globe from Shakespeare's day since that burned to the ground, it is still a great reproduction.  We saw Merry Wives of Windsor which was a good comedy.  The actors made it really come to life and distracted from the mind numbing pain coming from my feet and back as I stood there for 2 hours.

The only picture I could get of the actors before being yelled at

Tomorrow is the trip around London so there will be many, many pictures taken.   Sunday is the trip to Windsor castle and Monday is a meet and greet day with local students.  Fun times ahead.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1 day down

I made it to London in one piece with all my luggage.  The trip went so smooth that it was scary was easy it was.  Made it to O'hare with plenty of time to spare, security took about 5 minutes, plane left on schedule, arrived 15 minutes early, customs was a breeze after waiting for 20 minutes, and the taxi ride was  nice as well since I split it with 2 other girls.

So far...I'm loving it.  Really, the only downside is the living space.  I will never complain about my living area being too small again.  I'm sharing a 8 by 11 room with another girl.  It's insane and I can not wait until my bed is lofted to get a little more room.  On the plus side, the bathroom has the best water pressure for a shower that I've ever had.  

I'm still very unfamiliar with the area, but I'm enjoying Chelsea.  I ate at the Stockpot for dinner and it was delicious at a decent price ( 4.8 pounds total for my meal).  It was around 28 pounds for 5 meals so that restaurant will be visited again since the food was also delicious and plentiful.

We wandered around Chelsea quite a bit.  A resident assistant gave us a tour and taught us all about Oyster cards.  They are cards that get you around London for cheap.  Tube, bus, train, etc.  Very useful to have when your classes are 45 minutes away by Tube.  I rode my first double decker bus.  Less exciting than I thought it would be, but still fun.

First few days are getting us situated with our areas.  Today was all around the residence hall while tomorrow will be around our classes center.  At times you can forget that you're wandering around London since it does seem like other big cities I've been in.

Ok, time to hit the hay since I'm beat and we start around 8 am tomorrow.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still in America

So, in a week, I'll be in London.

Another country.  Another time zone. Another continent.

Woah.  Make that a double woah.

I have dreamed of getting away from this tiny town in Indiana since I realized there was more to life than Monticello.  Instead of reading about it or seeing it in pictures, I will be able to say "I've been there" or "Oh, that's where I did this."  Instead of envying everybody's adventures and travels, I can go out and have my own.

I already have scheduled trips to Ireland, Scotland and Belgium.  There are so many other countries I want to go to and I doubt a semester will be enough.  France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Austria, Portugal, etc.  So basically, wherever I can go until they force me back to America.

But here, my trusty readers, you can read about my adventures abroad.  Hopefully, there will be many and very entertaining to retell to others.  Pictures shall be aplenty cause I got a new camera and it needs to be used.  So sit back and enjoy the reading about my life as much as I enjoy living it.